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ICSCR 2021

Welcome to the Resource Track of the IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing

ICSCR is an appropriate venue to publish datasets, machine learning models, indexes, benchmarks, ontologies, libraries, APIs and tools that demand a high effort to be developed and can have a high impact on advancing the state of the art of semantic technologies. Papers describing resources rarely receive the same recognition as research papers, therefore ICSCR considers such works as well. The main requirements for resource papers are: (I) an objective but precise description of the resource; (II) an open license; and (III) to make the resource available to other users through a permanent link.

We are particularly encouraging ontologies and RDF dataset submissions available through KBox, OntoHub or any other RDF sharing platform.

Review Criteria




Submission details

Papers must have between 4 and 8 pages, be written in English and follow the instructions in the Manuscript Formatting and Templates page. All papers should be submitted to this submission link under Resource Track. Other details in the main track website.

Important dates


Track Co-Chairs

Program Committee



If you have any doubt or want any further details about the conference, you can contact us at